About Sahaara

Charitable Society

Fulfilling Dreams of Individuals in the Vulnerable and Marginalized sections of Society

Mumbai, often dubbed the City of Dreams, contrasts sharply for the economically disadvantaged, where the dream of a better life often turns into a nightmarish reality.

In this city, migrants from impoverished regions arrive with hopes of a brighter future, but many find themselves ensnared in the flesh trade, in prison, or trapped in the harsh conditions of slum life.

Established in 1994 by concerned citizens, Sahaara Charitable Society envisions Fulfilling Dreams of the Vulnerable and Marginalised in Society. This NGO empowers the underprivileged to realize their dreams.

Over the last 29 years, Sahaara has honed Core Competencies in:

  • Providing Remedial Education to children in red-light districts and government homes.
  • Offering Holistic care through Education Hostels for at-risk children from red light districts.
  • Reintegrating sex workers and prisoners into society.

From a modest initiative led by a handful of volunteers, Sahaara has blossomed into an organization with over 60 staff members running seven impactful programs across Mumbai and its neighbouring districts. Accredited by Credibility Alliance, Charities Aid Foundation, and Give, Sahaara is governed by a board of committed corporate and NGO leaders and businessmen. Together, they are dedicated to catalysing positive transformation within the city.

Our Core Values

S – Servant Hearted

A – Active Teamwork

H – Honour-based Culture

A – Aspiring to Excellence

A – Accountability and Integrity

R – Relationship-focussed

A – Appreciating Each Other

Fulfilling Dreams of Individuals in the Vulnerable and Marginalized sections of Society

  1. 1994 Sahaara registered as a Trust/Society
  2. 1994 Work among vulnerable children (Project Pratham)
  3. 1997 Work in prisons (Project Azad)
  4. 1999 Home for Vulnerable boys (Mahima Boys’ Home)
  5. 2000 Registered with Home Ministry for FCRA
  6. 2001 Work among Commercial Sex Workers (Project Parivartan)
  7. 2004 Work in children’s and observation home (Project Pragati)
  8. 2008 Home for vulnerable girls (Anandalay Girls’ Home)
  9. 2012 Dasra Social Impact Award
  10. 2020Work for Covid-19 relief (SEFR)
  11. 2021Hostel for vulnerable minor girls (Krupalay Girl’s Education Hostel)
  12. 2021Utkarsh Vocational Training Center for Commercial sex workers
  13. 2023 Udaan Aftercare Hostel for vulnerable girls aged 18 and above